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Notification Center for Support Agents

All support agents can get notified via email with setup  Automation Rules in Administration. But there is also a centralized place to get notified not just in the backend without a page refresh, but also get push notifications right from your browser.

Manage Notifications

Once the support agent receives a notification based on subscription on topic or ticket, reminder, or assignment, it appears in the notification center area next to the bell icon with related action icon and time added.

In order to read notifications, click the dot, so that all notifications related to the object would automatically be marked as read.

If you want to get to the objects from one notification to another, just click them so the popup won't be closed and you can go within the working queue.


All the latest notifications are located at the top of the list. You can filter to display only new notifications from the top selection. You can filter notifications at any time in order to better manage them with thfollowing options:

  • All Notifications;
  • Unread;
  • Object is Created - shows only notifications on new tickets and topics;
  • Responsible - shows only notifications where you are set as responsible;
  • Reminder - notifications on reminders (set for internal notes for tickets and users);
  • Mentions - notifications where you were mentioned in replies;
  • Completed - only on completed objects.


All notifications are grouped automatically by ticket or topic. If you get several notifications on one request, they are grouped into one number showing the unread notifications in the group.

You can expand the group at any time to check each of them and who is the author or the action. 

Notification Center Settings

All agents have the notification center switched on by default with options to switch on and off required channels of notifications individually: email, push notifications in the notification center, and web push in the browser.

To open notification center settings, click on the gear icon.

Note: Grouping of Web Push notifications means that you can get only one notification on chat or ticket at a time. If it's not grouped, you will get notifications in the browser on each chat message from the user.

Push Notifications in Browser

The best option to be notified in Windows, MacOS, Linux or Phone would be using a built-in subscription in your favorite browser. Web Push notifications will work in Firefox and Chrome.

Once you open the agents interface, the system will ask you to accept notifications from this website. If you accept it, the notification center will send you all support requests, and reminders directly to your browser even if the backend is not within active tabs. 

To manage your notifications in Chrome, please use the following article  https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/3220216

Notifications in Telegram

To setup notifications from UseResponse into your Telegram account, the Administrator should create a new bot in @BotFather. 

Once bthe ot is created, Athe dministrator enters Bot API key.

After that, any agent can connect to Telegram as a notification channel. You need to open the created bot in Telegram and enter the command there /connect [key] which is provided in the instructions of the notification center in UseResponse.


If you experience issues with getting notifications, there could be 2 solutions:

  • Try to reset notifications for the website - set Ask as default and allow one more time for this website;

  • If you are on Windows or MacOs, please go to the Notification center and check if you allow your browser to get notifications from Chrome, FF, or Safari in the system.

Browser Background Mode

If you want to get notified in the system when your browser is closed, you need to set up to work service in the background on both desktop and phone platforms.

Web Push notifications will work only via https with valid SSL, so make sure you have installed SSL certificate

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