- Search: added ability to change a sorting parameter in the list of search results in the agent interface;
- Multi-forums: agents without access to a forum (due to role permisions) can view the content in it in the user interface (Enterprise package);
- Languages: added datetime localization.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed multiple issues with metrics calculation in analytics reports (Enterprise package);
- Announcements of all forums were displayed on the additional forum (Enterprise package);
- Fixed issues with smart assignments among online agents (Enterprise package);
- Fixed issue when agents used the advanced search within comments and a selected date range;
- Search for the exact phrase didn't work in the agent interface;
- Agents couldn't reply in the topic thread;
- Mobile UI: options to reply and manage chats didn't work in the mobile interface;
- If agents send emails from the agent interface with heavy attachments (>9Mb), users didn't receive these attachments;
- Moderation report was displayed in the list even with deactivated smart moderation feature;
- The first article couldn't be selected from the list if the agent entered the search keyword after * sign in the agent interface;
- Request to allow push notifications was sent to an unauthorized user;
- The date of task completion wasn't displayed;
- Fixed issue when agent deleted a request from the list.