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Database table errors

Answered Duane W. Comments: 2 Reply 5 years ago by Duane W.

How to sort ticket categories?

Answered David R. Comments: 5 Reply 5 years ago by Guest

Email send to comment writer

Answered TSS, C. Help Desk with Ticketing Comments: 5 Reply 5 years ago by Guest

ETA on Jira integration

Answered Lee R. Comments: 2 Reply 5 years ago by Lee R.

Can user complete his/her created ticket?

Answered Teddy L. Help Desk with Ticketing Comments: 1 Reply 6 years ago by Guest

Monthly billing plan

Answered Jonathan K. Feedback System Comments: 1 Reply 6 years ago by Guest

Is it possible to reorder the list of multiple forums?

Answered SPOT Comments: 5 Reply 6 years ago by Guest
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