UseResponse System Requirements

Our self-hosted package is a PHP solution that can be installed on any type of OS. There are two types of requirements: general and optional but recommended for all features to work on your server.

Cloud Service is hosted on our servers, so you don't need any server setup

Strict Requirements

  • OS: Linux (recommended) or Windows
  • PHP: 7.4.x
  • MYSQL: 5.7.x (InnoDB) or 8.x or MariaDB 10.6
  • Web Server: Apache (with mod_rewrite, mod_deflate, AllowOverride all) or Nginx or IIS
  • PHP Memory Limit: minimum of 64 MB

Server Requirements

Minimum Requirements  - 2 CPU, 4 Ram. Recommended requirements - 4+ CPU, 8 Ram. Exact requirements depend on the number of requests you get in your system.

PHP Extensions 

Following PHP extensions are required in order for your system to work correctly. They are all built-in PHP, but some hosting providers switch off them intentionally.

  • json
  • Multibyte String (mbstring)
  • GD2 anf fileinfo
  • iconv
  • zlib
  • php_curl
  • php_imap
  • SimpleXML
  • OPcache

Also, make sure that you have "PHP Safe Mode Off".

The following extensions are recommended for specific features to work in UseResponse self-hosted version.

  • LDAP - if you want to use LDAP authentication in Single Sign-On;
  • CURL - requires for the system to work with Scheduled Jobs. 

Supported Browsers

We support all modern browsers including mobile browsers for mobile versions on Windows Phone, IOS, Android.

Test Your Server

To make sure that your server meets all our requirements, please download the attached archive and unzip it to any place of your planned UseResponse location. Then run it in your browser and see if all checks are marked green.

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