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Versioning of Articles in Knowledge Base

Completed Stas K. 7 years ago

Add control of several versions of articles in knowledge base and comparison tool between them.

Replies (3)


Hi all,

glad to announce that we released 4.7 version with new features and improvements including versioning in Knowledge Base and autosave of faqs and articles.

Now you can create public or private versions of the article that would be displayed in the left side bar on article's page in Agents interface.

Public versions are also available for users on article's page in Version widget that could be switched on/off in Administration - Fields & Properties - Knowledge Base - Widgets.

You'll have the ability to restore previous version anytime or delete it.

Please let us know if you have any questions about these improvements.

Kind regards


i can't find the propertys to set versions in agent view. can you help me?


Hi, Jens,

please click New - Version in the top right of article's page in Agents interface, fill in version's title, choose the version to be public or private and click Submit.

In the left side bar you'll see Versions section. Click View and the version will be displayed.

Let me know if it's clear.


got it. thank you!


You are welcome!

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