Default Topics Sort Order

Completed Andrew 7 years ago

It would be nice if the default sort order on the Topics page was New/Updated, instead of Updated. I find that new posts easily get missed.

Replies (5)


Hello, Andrew,

you can define sorting parameter of topics as New/Updated by default.

Please go to Administration - Interface - Home Screen and click edit icon in Topics Filter widget where you can select the required filter (as shown in the attached screenshot).

Let us know if you have more questions.


I'll just add to the Liza comment.

First of all you shouldn't use frontend as a management and view as support agen. Please use Agents interface where you can select any filter by updating report.

As for user side.. On topics page the default sorting should be used the one that is used on home page in topics list widget that you can manage in Administration - Interface - Home Screen.

Let us know if you have more questions


Thank you for the quick response. I'll go update the default status now. 

Regarding using the Agents interface, I personally find it too clunky, but it's possible I don't understand how I should be using it. I'll dig into this deeper, 


On 2017-11-28 11:02:06 AM, UseResponse Support <> wrote:


We would be glad to provide you small training via skype. It's very user friendly and easy. It would take 10 minutes to show you most things and you would understand that it's very easy and flexible.

Liza will organize it if you give a green light.



you can find some helpful articles in our Knowledge Base regarding tools that you can use in agents interface.

You can contact us if you need our assistance in understanding the system better.

Kind regards


I would prefer email if possible. Please reach out. Thank you!

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