Upvote 1

Post without registration & email validation

Completed Praveen Kumar 6 years ago

Have option to suggestion vote without validating the email address. Users need to just enter the name/email to post suggestions. We will either send the welcome email with password or he can reset for the password when he wants to login next time. This is very important as no one is willing to spend time in creating account. This can be an option to enable from the backend.

PS: Anonymous voting will not help in notifying the users with progress. It should be like fast checkout in modern shopping carts without registration.

Replies (1)


Hello Praveen,

We've already got this option. So if you turn on Anonymous Feedback in Administration - System - Feedback, your users would see email field with name on new idea form with option to login.

It's optional field, but with the help of custom js you can make it required. Custom js can be added in Administration - Interface - My Interface

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