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Make the Description text areas more rich text compatible

Archived Frank P. 13 years ago

Are there plans to improve the input text areas? I need the ability to input tables and inline images.

Best Answer

We definitely have plans to integrate inline images and improve Text Area, but there are doubts about tables, as it's not so required for feedback system and it can be built on custom basis

Update: in 1.1 release - extended text area with lists, inline images, better links and change view feature

Replies (10)


We definitely have plans to integrate inline images and improve Text Area, but there are doubts about tables, as it's not so required for feedback system and it can be built on custom basis

Update: in 1.1 release - extended text area with lists, inline images, better links and change view feature


Thanks, inline images are of most importance for me.


We would like to have a function for formatting source code - at least a "pre format" option should exist, even better would be syntax highlighter like geshi. But having a "pre" would be enough to start.


As of now we have solid plans regarding tweaking Text Area and we've decided to move on with adding:

- Inline Images;

- Itemized and marked lists;

- Syntax Highlighter

+ you'll have the ability to switch between views - display formatting inside text area and like you normally have now with bbcodes inside.


Well, when I tested useresponse on your hosted site, I was able to add inline images.

On my installation I can't.

Is it a setting, or is it something that's coming?


John-Paul Della Putta wrote:

Well, when I tested useresponse on your hosted site, I was able to add inline images.

On my installation I can't.

Is it a setting, or is it something that's coming?

Inline images are built-in system in all packages and can be added with the following icon:


if you don't want to use external services to store images, you can upload them in response or comment, submit response or comment, get the link, edit it and paste inline image.


Fair enough,

I should have explained myself better.

What I meant was that I was able to cut and paste an image directly inline.

I didn't need to use the external service.

I was really impressed with this feature and would love to have it on my site.


You can copy/paste image in browse inside text area, but if it's located online, not on your local computer, as it should be linked to some place located online.

For example, click on the image that is not on the background and on context menu click on "Copy Image" and inside text area right click-> in context menu - Paste and image will be inside area.


Stas, what most people really need is an easy way to insert inline images. I know you cannot achieve the simplicity of Outlook, but what I have seen in other web-based applications that is the next best thing is to integrate something like FCKeditor into the rich text area.

When you want to insert an image, you click the picture icon and it opens a page to allow you to upload (or choose) images to your own server. Then after uploading (or selecting an existing image), it puts the appropriate image link into your rich text area, and you see the inline image. It works really well.

One of the applications that I use that has this functionality is KBPublisher ( You can try it using their online demo.


So one easy way to do it is to copy from the clipboard to which can be used to host the image. You can use Ctrl+V or just drag and drop the image.

However, what I was able to do at work today was by using FireFox, just drag and drop an image from my filesystem.

If you drag and drop using Google Chrome or IE, then the image just appears in the browser.

I wonder if it is a browser setting or if perhaps something unique to FireFox.

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