Upvote 3

List of merged topics visible to all

Completed Jirka Menion Mlavec 9 years ago

Hello guys,

currently, when I as agent, merge any two (or more) topics, that one is attached to second. But attached topic is no longer visible to all users, only to agents.

Is there any serious reason for this?

In our cases, mostly topics are not exactly same, but very similar so it worth to merge them. On second side, in merged topics are usually useful information which should be useful also for others.

So I would like to see an option, to show also a list of merged topics to all users, not just agents. At least ability to define this in some config file on self-hosted UR version, will be welcome.

Thank you

Replies (5)


Hello Jirka,

Our position on this has changed since 2.3 release about a year ago, so now we don't show merged topics in order to not overwhelm the page with content for user, because similar topics are more likely, as we think, would be interesting for users.

  • Merged topics are to notify one author that duplicate is created and he can find the solution or answer in the main topic while merging.
  • Merged topics are useful for search, so main topic is found if there are any keywords in merged topic

While merging, all subscriptions, comments, etc are in the main topic, so noone would get lost, but system should be kept more consistent. Maybe we would change our mind in future as community grows.

Thank you for your valuable explanation of you use case.


Hello Stas,

thank you for your feedback. I fully understand your reasons.

If you change mind at least partially, optional parameter in settings should be useful ;). As I wrote, our use-case is little bit different. Currently almost 3500 topics, where many of them are really really similar (so they worth to merge), but they are not completely same (so it worth for others to read also opinions in merged topics).

Have a nice day


As discussions are merged also, only title and description is what lost. But I also understand your position. Would think of it as a partial implementation but would get to it in about 3 months.

Have a nice day too


I understand the merge logic, see both sides, good to keep the search results clean and direct customers to the right answer.

How can I report on the number of merged cases? Reason, following some of the KCS framework, merged cases can be a good sign of community and KB health and help our team better update and manage posts and KB articles. Can you add the ability to select to report on the number of merged cases? If there is a way to accomplish this please let me know. Thanks


Hi Stas, we have the same problem. Can we allow (optional with config setting) to see the merged objects to all users please?


Our customers write to an idea different motives. If we merge the topics, the different backgrounds for the customers are not recognizable, which is a pity to bring the idea further to a solution.


Hello Jens,

We will provide the solution for you tommorow.


<3 !!! GREAT! Thank you Alex!


Good day guys,

public solution is more then welcome as I'm sure that Jens team isn't the only one who consider current system as complications, thanks Alexander ;).


Hello all,

We didn't change our position about displaying merged topics, but we've decided to provide possibility to show merged objects to all visitors.

Please update your UseResponse instance to 3.4.5 version or unzip attached archive to application/3.4.5/modules/resources directory if you already have this version.

If you want to show merged objects to all visitors please add to your custom theme css the following code:

  1. .merged-objects {
  2. display: block;
  3. }

If you don't have a custom theme please go through the following steps (only for Self-Hosted package):

1. Create the directories tree: /custom/themes/<theme_name>/assets/desktop/css.

2. Create file theme.css inside of /custom/themes/<theme_name>/assets/desktop/css directory.

3. Add the code I've mentioned above to theme.css.

4. Navigate to Administration -> Interface -> General and choose your newly created theme.

5. Clear browser and UR cache.


Good day Alexander,

sorry, I finally found time to implement your suggestion. Unfortunately it looks like it does not work.

I followed exactly your steps (5 points), because we do now use any custom theme. I've tried to modify top panel by

  1. .top-nav {
  2. background-color: black;
  3. }

to be sure it works, and it really works, top panel is black now. Anyway '.merged-objects' parameter in same file has no effect. Because I see no content of "Merged topics" in source of html page, I think that problem is not style, but fact that data are not included in html file. So any suggestion for me? Thanks


Hello Jirka,

Could you please provide the link to the topic you've reviewed?


Sure, check this topic:


Screenshot when I'm not logged:


Screenshot after login:



Yes, the merged topics don't exist in the page content. Did you extract the fix attached to the solution comment?


Nope, because UseResponse instance on mentined web page is already in latest available version 3.4.5. You wrote "Please update your UseResponse instance to 3.4.5 version or unzip ...", so I consider that it's already included in update.


I made a fix and included it to 3.4.5 package but you didn't get it as you already have 3.4.5 installed without the fix. Please unzip attached archive to application/3.4.5/modules/resources directory and check the behaviour again.


Hmm so 3.4.5 != 3.4.5, oki :).

Thanks Alexander, now it works perfectly. Solved.


3.4.5 is the last version of third branch so it is not reasonable to launch 3.4.6 because of very small fix :)

Glad that it works for you!

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