We've done such type of search while adding new topic or ticket that improves usability in finding similar answers in order to decrease load on support agents and for user find the answer to the questions more quickly.
We've done such type of search while adding new topic or ticket that improves usability in finding similar answers in order to decrease load on support agents and for user find the answer to the questions more quickly.
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We don't have plans for that. We'll get back to this idea, once we release 3.1
We don't have plans for that. We'll get back to this idea, once we release 3.1
We've done such type of search while adding new topic or ticket that improves usability in finding similar answers in order to decrease load on support agents and for user find the answer to the questions more quickly.
We've done such type of search while adding new topic or ticket that improves usability in finding similar answers in order to decrease load on support agents and for user find the answer to the questions more quickly.
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