Evaluate votes in knowledge base

Completed Heinlein S. 9 years ago

Hi all!

Not sure if I just don't find it - is there a way to list all knowledge base articles with the votes they got?

Something like

  1. select title,votes from ur_objects where object_type="article" and votes!=0 order by votes desc\G;

in the stats?

I might want these numbers to decide which articles to add to "featured articles".

Best, Silke

Replies (4)


Hello Silke,

Sorry we don't have such feature, but we'll consider adding it in the next release


Hi Stas, would be cool!

I dug a bit deeper in the meantime to get us some interesting information. So if you consider adding knowledge base stats, these are cool things to know (imho):

knowledge base article that received the most votes:

  1. select title,votes from ur_objects where object_type="article" and votes!=0 order by votes desc\G;

most read articles:

  1. select title,views from ur_objects where object_type="article" order by views desc\G;

summaries of ale votes on articles:

  1. select a.title,b.value,count(*) from ur_objects a join ur_votes b on a.id = b.object_id where a.object_type="article" and b.owner="object" group by title, value order by count(*) desc;

articles with negative votes:

  1. select a.title,b.value,count(*) from ur_objects a join ur_votes b on a.id = b.object_id where a.object_type="article" and b.owner="object" and value="-1" group by title, value order by count(*) desc;


This feature would be done in 3.4.2 release on management of knowledge base page.


We are glad to announce that you can now check votes, views on knowledge base on management of articles page that you can access from left Agent Navigation and clicking on gear icon next to articles.

Then you need to select filter to show by votes or by views instead of order to see number of views or votes.

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