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Hashtags in Live Chat
It would be great to use hashtags commands in Live Chat like # to manipulate it during conversation with users from any IM client.
For example:
- Change operator with id- #switch1
- Quick Reply - associate hashtags with quick answers like - #hi and message - Hi, How can I help you?
All requests and callbacks should be valid if operator is offline while switching
Hash tags to switch operators will be integrated in the next release - 2.1
Hash tags to switch operators will be integrated in the next release - 2.1
Hash tags to switch operators will be integrated in the next release - 2.1
Hash tags to switch operators will be integrated in the next release - 2.1
Following hashtags will be supported:
Also support smiles is integrated in new release that will be available soon
Following hashtags will be supported:
Also support smiles is integrated in new release that will be available soon
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