Create Widget Chats for multiple teams...

Under Consideration Jens H. 6 years ago


is it possible to create more widget codes with set an different set of agents for each widget? Currently, I can only generalize which agents are allowed to participate in chats. It would be nice if you can set that ever widget.

Replies (8)


Hi Jens,

Good question... Thanks for sharing idea. Should discuss it tomorrow. I'll move it to ideas section.


:) I look forward to hearing from you


When testing the BETA 5 I noticed that we are currently no longer using the chat. If so we would have to set up chat for different groups. Only 3 steady colleagues for the whole company define which can use the chat, is not helpful. We would need several groups to use the chat as needed and targeted. Before that the chat can not be used.


hey UR-team, any news?


Hello, Jens,

Your case could be accomplished with the help of automation rules.

Once we add new actions for chat events, you will be able to build triggers to notify a certain agent department on new chats coming from a particular widget.

The improvement will be available in the next releases.

Hope the solution works for your team.

Regards, Liza


Hi Liza,

before the chat is created, here are agents listed...


it isn't possible to set this for every widget at this time:




Could you please clarify the point to display different agent avatars in widgets for your clients?


we have a closed community. The avatars suggest personal accessibility of the colleagues who know our customers. we are all personally known to each other and through the avatars it would be possible to show the customer before the chats that the request would arrive with the right colleagues


Hello, Jens,

We also try to deliver personalized support to our clients.

And I fully agree with you that "avatars suggest personal accessibility" of support agents in the team. That's why we display avatars of the first 3 agents from the list of chat operators in Administration - Live Chat.

Once the client initiates a new chat conversation and receives the agent's reply, he will see tha avatar of the responsible agent next to agent's reply and in the widget header.

As I mentioned earlier, new trigger options will allow to divide chats from different widget profiles between several teams in the company. Even now, you can assign chats from a particular widget to certain agents using "Set Responsible" action and your customers' requests will always come into the right person in the team.

Besides, there is the ability to distribute chats automatically within a department using Smart Assignments feature.

If you need more clarification how to set up the rules, do let us know.

Regards, Liza

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