Ability to install as Multiple Instances of Support Desk?

Completed ashok k. 12 years ago

I would like to know if there is a possiblity to install the script as MultiSite or a Network just like WordPress Multisite.

So we can create multiple support desks on one installation. Please let me know if it is possible be tweaking the code


Best Answer

We are glad to announce Multi-Forum feature. This is a part of our Enterprise package. Now you can create as many forums and communities as you'd like for multilingula support, forums for each product, internal and public communities.

Replies (11)


Sorry, but one license gives you rights to install system on 1 URL. In order to use it for different products or services there is Categories module available.


Sorry, I think I didn't make myself clear with my query.

Using the script on a network of sub-sites is for convenience and ability. It is not about license or money. I can pay if there is kind of license like "Multi Site license". Some CMS script vendors offer such a license ( Ex. ImpressPages- http://www.ipmultisite.com ).

Hope you understand my request


Yes, I understand your request, but we don't have it available. There is the option to buy license for each community you create and discount on multiple orders that you can see while purchasing package.


Sad to hear that. Hope you plan the multiple instance feature for future releases.


Could you please explain why you need it in comparison to purchasing several licenses at once?


My apologies. I think I didn't make myself clear in my earlier responses.

My request is not about purchasing several licenses at once. It is about creating multiple sub-sites under one installation with single database. That would look like this

DB: MySiteDB

Main Installation: asupportsite.com

Sub-site -1 : sub1.asupportsite.com

Sub-site -2 : sub2.asupportsite.com

Sub-site -3 : sub3.asupportsite.com

This is what I need. So if the script(Say, you call the license for the new multisite script as Multisite license) is coded to create subsites under one installation. I need not make separate installations. There would be a possibility to create sub-sites under a single installation with ease on a single domain. That is called "Multisite Script".

Alternatively, you can create a new addon/plugin with which lets us to create subsites under one installation.


As it's written in License Agreement - one license grants installation on 1 URL, but it's not a problem to share one db with different table prefixes that you select while installation for different communities.

So if you want to create 5 communities, you just purchase 5 licenses with volume discount. Files will be located in different folders of subdomains, but not be shared, and only DB can be shared.

This is the only possible option as of now and we don't plan on changing licensing during this year.


Well! I forgot to mention your useresponse.net as an example. There any user is able to create a sub-site.

I am looking for the same functionality. Any possible to provide that under free license or any other license?



What you've mentioned is software as a service, we don't have it available.


Stas Kuzma wrote:

What you've mentioned is software as a service, we don't have it available.
Yes! The SaaS

Thank you!


We are glad to announce Multi-Forum feature. This is a part of our Enterprise package. Now you can create as many forums and communities as you'd like for multilingula support, forums for each product, internal and public communities.

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