Sitemap Module daily task breaks
Just tried to get the sitemap to work, the cron job fails - because of the following message:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_START_HEREDOC in ****/application/modules/sitemap/models/Sitemap.php on line 35
Tried to fix that somehow, but then getting:
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Zend_Http_Exception' with message 'Cookies must have a domain' in ****/library/Zend/Http/Cookie.php:124 Stack trace: #0 ****/library/Zend/Http/Cookie.php(359): Zend_Http_Cookie->__construct('PHPSESSID', 'b088c1f05a6dc75...', '', NULL, '/', false) #1 ****/application/modules/sitemap/models/Sitemap.php(190): Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('PHPSESSID=b088c...') #2 ****/application/modules/sitemap/models/Sitemap.php(75): Sitemap_Model_Sitemap->_extractLinksFromUrl('http://www.shir...') #3 ****/application/modules/sitemap/handlers/Events.php(45): Sitemap_Model_Sitemap->generate('http://www.shir...') #4 ****/library/Singular/Event/Dispatcher.php(48): Sitemap_Handler_Events->onCronDaily(NULL) #5 ****/library/Singular/Event.php(89): Singular_Event_Dispatcher->dispatchEvent(Array, Array) #6 /us in ****/library/Zend/Http/Cookie.php on line 124
Because the Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString fails because of missing domain name for the cookie (maybe an error resulting of my "patch").
Problem fixed, Sitemap module archive updated.
Problem fixed, Sitemap module archive updated.
Thank you for problem report. Development team is working on fix for this issue.
Thank you for problem report. Development team is working on fix for this issue.
Please unpack Sitemap.php from archive attached to /application/modules/sitemap/models/ and let me know if it helped.
Please unpack Sitemap.php from archive attached to /application/modules/sitemap/models/ and let me know if it helped.
Problem fixed, Sitemap module archive updated.
Problem fixed, Sitemap module archive updated.
Generation works now, thanks. I'm just wondering about this link in the sitemap.xml (it's the third one being generated)
This link does not exist, it could only point to
Generation works now, thanks. I'm just wondering about this link in the sitemap.xml (it's the third one being generated)
This link does not exist, it could only point to
Please unpack Sitemap.php from archive attached to /application/modules/sitemap/models/ and let me know if it solved problem with invalid URL inserted into sitemap.xml
Please unpack Sitemap.php from archive attached to /application/modules/sitemap/models/ and let me know if it solved problem with invalid URL inserted into sitemap.xml
yes, much better - this is how i thought it to be. Thanks!
yes, much better - this is how i thought it to be. Thanks!
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