Show normal article page instead of smaller overlay?

Answered Heinlein Support 8 years ago

I have many pages pages in the FAQ section that include screenshots. They are too big to be displayed in these overlays. Is it possible to turn off the overlays and display FAQ as normal full pages as it works for knowledge base articles?

Replies (2)


Good question... Though, you can use articles for these purposes, as FAQs are short question - short answer - they are designed for this.

Or you have also articles in the system? And why can't you use articles sections for such type of content?


No ! sometimes you need it to be in the FAQ.

I think you should give an option if the FAQ should open like an overlay or an article page with easy linking back to the FAQ list page


You could make the overlay in such a way that the overlay adjusts its size to fit the FAQ content seamlessly.



I think FAQ is adjusted to the content - images, texts but in the pop-up. But we'll think of adding extra setting to switch it off.

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