Sending bulk emails to customers?

Answered Peter M. 7 years ago

Is there a way to send several customers the same message at once?

Scenario: Several customers are reporting the same bug. We will add an internal ID (bug number) to the tickets. As soon as the bug has been fixed, we would like to send the affected customers a status update.

Replies (2)


Hello Peter,

Just subscribe required users and update the status of the ticket or topic with optional status


Hello! I have the same question but I am not sure how to "subscribe required users"? I have 100 clients that suppose to receive the same email about the feature. Would you be so kind to help me understand how to do it when I try to add more than one email in the section "to" it tells me that it is not possible.



Our system is not supposed to be used as bulk email service so we forbid bulk emails. In composse email you can use To field and other max 5 recipients in CC field.

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