RSS feed questions

Answered David Registro 6 years ago

Cannot figure out how to subscribe to an actual category. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or not.

It's either pulling in SOME topics , or nothing.


1. Get RSS feed from URL:


1. Ger RSS feed from link:

2. Use in Outlook or Chrome Feed Plugin


-The Feed Shows as 'All Topics' .

Does this refer to the type of topic and not category?

-Am I meant to get updates when a new topic is created.

Or does it only notify once a comment has been added.

Sorry for these questions, I'm just not sure if the problem here is with my RSS tools or a misunderstanding of how this works.


Replies (1)


Hi, David,

if you want to subscribe to "Visual Design" category, you need to select this category in topics list and choose required sorting parameter. If you want to get updates on new topics and new comments in them, please select "New/Updated" option.

Then click RSS icon and copy the URL into your feed reader. So you would get updates only to the topics of specific category.

Please let me know if it's clear or you need any help.

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