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Problems Status has TWO that say Solved

Archived Annevar Media, LLC 9 years ago

Not only does my Problems Statuses have TWO that say "Solved" but I cannot remove the duplicate one. This is quite frustrating. I guess I will rename it (if it allows me) to say "Unused" which frankly looks amateurish.

I see in your release notes of 3.1.2:

  • Removed "Solved" status from tickets. Now you have only opened statuses;

I do not know if this is related to that or not. But since it might be, I would like to know WHY on Earth you would remove that status. What happens to all Tickets that previously used the Solved Status? Seriously shaking my head trying to figure that change out. I am going to have to now re-add a brand-new "Solved" to my Tickets statuses. EDIT: I see you added "Complete" as an option for Tickets, so that works, I guess.


Well, that did not work. I changed the duplicate to "Unused" and colored it black. When I returned to the Admin to make more changes and go to Statuses again, I notice that I have duplicate "Solved" again.

I also notice that when filtering, if I click on "Solved" or "Unused" (odd that its updated in the Filter UI but still says "Solved" twice in the Admin UI) the URL is the same, and thus filtering by either Solved or Unused brings up the exact same results.

Now that I have made sure nothing is using the "Unused" status, I see it is hidden from the filter UI. So now I just need to instruct everyone in the company not to use the "Unused" status. That is sloppy and I should not have to do that. Because I am sure you realize that someone is going to ask Why? And someone else is going to accidentally select it.

So, how do I get rid of the duplicated "Solved" status under Problems? Please fix this bug, it is ugly.

Replies (3)



the situation with removing solved status from tickets is explained in details here

As for duplicated "Solved" status. . I think it's related only to your environment as system was upgraded from beta version. The best way will be removing that status from database in statuses tabke. Just make sure to remove the one that have no objects assigned with it

Let us know if it works for you


Also to mention.. I think you mean problems type instead of tickets. So we've removed solved for tickets but not problems. The reason could be found at the link in previous comment


Hi Stas,

Can you please tell me what table/row I need to modify to delete the duplicate "Solved."

And yes, I did mean Problems.



Go to Statuses table and you'll see all required records with slugs and relations, so it give you the direction.

If you won't be able to remove it, we'll walk you through

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