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multiple types of questions?

Archived Bany N. 12 years ago

We have a small phpBB forum entirely built around a single product, as such the hierarchy of the forum itself is very simple, it is just a flat collection of 7 categories. Half of those are actually related to bug-tracking and feature requests, while 3 are just for common discussions.

We know a forum is not designed to do what UserResponse does, and we would like to switch to UseResponse for the whole thing, so that we would have Ideas (feature requests), Problems (bugs), Announcements (news), Thanks (feedbacks), and questions. The problem is that we have 3 different kind of questions (realted to topic A,B or C), is it possible to have such separation implementing 3 different types of questions in UseResponse?


Best Answer

Multiple types of questions can be done with the help of Categories module, where you can assign question to any type of category. You can rename it to whatever you want, like General Question, Sales, Support and while adding response user will pick the category he thinks best fit.

Hope it works for you

Replies (5)


Multiple types of questions can be done with the help of Categories module, where you can assign question to any type of category. You can rename it to whatever you want, like General Question, Sales, Support and while adding response user will pick the category he thinks best fit.

Hope it works for you


Yes but each category will have its own problems/questions/ideas/thanks isn it? we would like to have just one of each


Category - is just an extra filter that you add to the system to assign any type of response (idea, question, problem, etc), so here, if you have everything around one product, you can use categories module as a question type, but while adding ideas or problems, users can also assign to them (i know you don't need it)

Can I have basic example of what question types do you have?

Maybe the best way here is creating module that will add extra field (select) to questions only.


yes I think adding a module would be the best way..

A typical example is: question related to general help, programming, or (submitting) examples

This way we would mimic a basic forum where apart from bugs/ideas/thanks we would also have 3 different question types, so the user would choose to post a new bug/a new idea/a new programming question/a new general help question and so on..I mean, Im trying to think about a fusion between Use Response and a general forum, considering each forum topic is anyway inherent to a single product..


The easiest way here is to take standard Categories module, in Localization tool rename it to Type and create 3 categories - help, programming, examples. and it should appear only when question is created.

Or extra select will work for you.

There is modules development guide in Developer Manual

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