Live Chat with Facebook: message sync & load history

Answered SpielerPlus 7 years ago

Hello! We just integrated the facebook chat. This is awesome!!

We realized, that when answering in UseResponse, the messages are also displayed in Facebook. But when answering in Facebook the message ist noch displayed in UseResponse. Is syncing not possible or what is the reason for that? And is it possible to load the whole message history from Facebook?

Otherwise it will be very hard for us to use the live chat.

Replies (5)



our agents interface is designed to provide support to your customers via different channels (live chat widget, Skype, FB messenger, Viber, Telegram, VK) in one backend.

At the moment there is no possibility to sync UseResponse with messengers because of technical reasons.

Could you please describe in more details why it prevents you from using our chat? We would appreciate your feedback.

Kind regards


Hello Liza, thanks for your answer. Too bad, if there are technical reasons.... :-/

You asked, why it prevents us from using the chat: Right now, we manage all our support over facebook. If we would switch to use UseResponse only in the future, the whole history with all our customers is "lost". But we often need the messages they wrote.

The complete history would be perfect. If a complete import is impossible, a "load older"-Button to import the last 10 messages could also be helpful.



We won't be able to incorporate such feature in the near future.

We do understand, that load older messages would work, but it's not within our roadmap, as it could be done - but not too easy as Liza mentioned about technical limitation of FB platform.

Hope we would get back to it in a couple of months.


Ok, thanks for being honest about this issue.

I believe, that we are not the only ones, who handle their whole support over Facebook and would like to switch to UseResponse completely.

Do you have any idea how your other clients deal with this?


Yes, we know how they deal with it as we do. We just use UseResponse backend and don't take into consideration internal FB messages - also removed notifications from fb on incoming company page messages and it works dor us and other customers

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