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Import/export feature? - or full restore from Backup module backup?

Archived Dan &. 13 years ago

Hey guys! I see there is a Backup feature. Is there a way to get a Restore from a backup?

For example - we have a production site and a dev site. Nothing goes into production without full testing in dev. so when a new version of UseReponse comes out, we'll have to upgrade the dev site, do full testing, and then we can upgrade the production site.

But we'll need to be able to re-build the dev site from a full backup of the production one.

Also of course the traditional use of a backup - if something happpens to my production server, need to be able to do a full restore from my last backup, including the software (PHP, etc. files) exactly as it was at that point in time - AND the database.



Best Answer


As we've mentioned demo is 1.0.1 currently and we've integrated that feature in 1.0.2. You can find more details about Restore from Backup at our Admin Manual.

Replies (3)



As we've mentioned demo is 1.0.1 currently and we've integrated that feature in 1.0.2. You can find more details about Restore from Backup at our Admin Manual.


Hey Stas, that's great! I just went looked the documentation.

I do have a suggestion for enhancing backup/restore: it would be very useful if the zip file created could include all the operating files for the system. You know, literally everything you need to get back up and running again on a new server.

Because practically speaking, if I need to restore, i am going to need the "database" and "themes" but I will also need an exact copy of all the UR program files exactly as they were on the production system... complete with any tweaks, etc.

To give you an better picture - all our production websites currently run on Wordpress. And we use a tool called BackupBuddy which makes a FULL backup of your wordpress install (all wordpress files, all theme files, full database)

BackupBuddy ALSO has a great option to automatically backup this zipfile offsite - i.e. Amazon S3 - which works beautifully.




Thanks for sharing idea! We'll take into consideration, but won't guarantee that it will be integrated as any system could be restored using all customs inside archive.

If any changes are made in core, it's up to purchaser to save them and it's better stick to modules development rather than changing core files. - that way you'll have system working smooth, and with any update won't need to update all hacks

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