How to get a SLA report for a company XY?

Answered Peter M. 8 years ago

Some of our customers buy a special service package. From time to time they request a report on how many services (emails, phonecalls) they have used.

I haven't found a way to search for all customers from @customer.domain to generate the requested report.

Could you please give me a hint?

Replies (4)


Hello Peter,

Do you mean that you need to export all the requests from specific users and export this information?

If so, on reports page click on New - Report, then in conditions enter all created by users (it should show you all the users when you enter the domain), and Run the report. Then use Export feature under options of the report.


Hello Stas,

Thanks again. I haven't seen that I can create new reports, sorry. May I ask for another tipp? How do I filter for all users which a sharing the same email domain. A condition "Author: Email" > "ends with" or "Author: E-Mail domain" > "is" ... would be helpful.

As shown below, UR does not offer me a field to enter a value ...





Hello Peter,

We've fixed this issue. In order to filter authors by email domain please add "Created by" condition and set Selected User - Ends with -

Let us know if it works for you.


Hello Alexander

Thanks for the very quick help. I can now make a selection of tickets which were created by every member of an organization. Fine!

Could UR help me to answer these questions, too?

  1. How many tickets have been sent from company xy?
  2. How many answers have been needed to close the ticket successfully?
  3. How much time passed between the arrival of the request and its solution?

When I try to get the answers myself using the export to Excel, I haven't found all necessary fields in the exported Excel file.

Kind regards,



Hello Peter,

Support of companies is planned for the next release that should be live soon, so there is no way as of now to choose companies in reports.

How many answers needed to close ticket successfully is not the right parameter to measure user performance in my vision. The better option here would be using First Reply Time, Average Reply Time and Ticket Live Time (how much time passed between the arrival of the request an it's solution) - this would be available in Analytics soon.


Hello Stas

That sounds promising! (The value "number of needed tickets" is only for internal purposes.)




Please excuse an additional comment: We have been confused by the current usage of the word »Report« (see thesaurus).

A new wording or even a new main category would help to distinguish better between different presentations of tickets & topics on the one hand, and the different statistical reports on the other hand:


»Queue« is surely not the best proposal because it would only stand for active tickets/topics.

Kind regards,



Hello Peter,

We have been thinking of the name for this section before releasing it, and it could be named Queue or View, but since previous versions of our system it kept the name - Report.

According to WIKI (check report types) - it fits within the area of providing structured data of information.

You can use renaming tool in Administration area to give it the title that you want.

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