Filter out agents from dashboard reports?

Answered Lee R. 9 years ago

Working with our team in the beta of our community, one question for you. Is there a way to remove or create a new dashboard report that only shows responses or new posts for members only? Right now we are working on adding content to the community using some posts, to make sure that we have our top posts for each of our product category show some kind of return. If I could filter out the posts from our team then I could only respond/react to new posts from members.

Thanks for the help

Replies (2)


Hello Lee,

If you want to react on new topics only from users, not agents, just create new report from left agent navigation, and select "Created by" -> Selected Role - Users and save this report, so you could access it from reports secsion.


Thanks Stas. Is there a way to add my new report to the dashboard options for my team? Would be great to only see members posts needing to be replied to as our internal teams work to help share content.


When you go to your Dashboard, in "My Reports" section, select report from your saved list. Next time you come to the page, it would be available and clickable.


Awesome! Man that is great, was my first reports did not see that they are customizable. great solution!

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