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Does UseResponse require MyISAM or INNODB tables?

Archived Dan Baritchi 10 years ago

Hi guys!

Currently all our MySQL tables are MyISAM - but we're considering converting them all to INNODB.

Is there a benefit to either table type for UseResponse?

Have you seen any performance differences between the two for UseResponse?

Do you see any problems for us converting our tables to INNODB?


Replies (4)


UseResponse uses MyISAM engine for all tables.

InnoDB engine remains free as part of MySQL Community Edition only, therefore not all customers have MySQL Community Edition. Also InnoDB engine doesn't support fulltext search which imposes a restriction to installation of our product without Sphinx.

Why our want to use InnoDB? It won't get you any performance.


Hey Paul!

To clarify, are you saying that UseResponse specifically requires MyISAM?

Our server has multiple CPU cores and we're running MySQL 5.1... it is my understanding that 5.5 and 5.6 significantly improved ability to use multiple cores ( ) - but most of those improvements are for the INNODB engine...

My goal was 1.) improved performance by using more cores and 2.) ability to do consistent transaction backup without locking tables which is not possible in MyISAM, but INNODB can do.

Also I think MySQL 5.6 introduces fulltext indexes for INNODB... however cPanel only supports as of 5.5 for now... -

Am I missing something?



Dan, you may use InnoDB for your own risk.

But you may have a serious problem with update to 3.0 version in future.


Got it Paul, no problem, we'll keep MyISAM for UseResponse, that answers my question.

LOL I'm hoping to improve performance (i.e. my other ticket from last week on the user page query), so definitely will not do anything to make it worse. :-)



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