How to Disable "Account is Created" Email

Need Answer Jim Ryan 21 months ago

It appears that our customers are receiving an email with subject "Account is Created" when we activate them on UseResponse.

We don't want them to receive this.

Can we disable it?

I don't see that email anywhere in the "Automation & Notifications".

Replies (3)


Hello Jim,

Yes, when you activate user, email is automatically sent, because user should get login credentials. Let me speak to dev team and get back to you if there is a solution in this case and get back to you


Hello Jim,

After internal discussion we have one question... Why do you activate users manually? The only reason we could think of in order for this user to have access to the profile and track all requests.

Please clarify so we could understand better your use case.


Hi Stas,

We use this when a customer sends us a support request to a different email (i.e. not our support email). For example, they email a specific person at our company, or email to [email protected] instead of [email protected]. We forward the request to [email protected], then we change the author of the ticket to the original sender. When we have done this in the past, the new author didn't receive ticket updates automatically, so we've added a step to activate the account.

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