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How can i change the Name Scheme [Firstname Lastname] from [Firstname L] to [F Lastname]

Archived Carsten Nichte 3 years ago

How can i change the general Name Scheme [Firstname Lastname] from [Firstname L] to [F Lastname] ?

Replies (3)


Hi Carsten,

There is no built-in functionality to change the naming scheme as you need. It can be implemented only on a custom basis.



Then I would like to turn that into a feature request. I think there are many country-specific rules and company internal guidelines out there, that require this. It would be nice to have a central place to modify this without fiddling with templates :-)

Can you give me some starting points to do this manually for now?


Hi Carsten,

Thank you for sharing your case with us. We'll see if your idea is popular among our customers to decide whether to include it in our roadmap.

To be honest, it's the first time when someone asks to use [F Lastname] scheme in the email templates.

You can develop the new functionality with the help of your IT department by creating a new module that can be placed in /custom/modules.

Keep in mind that changing the core of the system is not recommended as you'll lose all changes after the system update. That's why all the custom tweaks should be done in a separate module.

If the feature is vital for your company, we can discuss implementing it on our end on a paid basis.

Let me know your thoughts, please.



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