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Does UseResponse help with SEO?

Archived Ben Swivel 11 years ago

My company is thinking of buying UseResponse but would like to know how much it can help with SEO first. Will UR live on a sub-domain or could we map it to the main domain?

For example, instead of could we put it on

Also, does anyone have any use cases as to how UR has benefited them SEO wise? Is UR SEO friendly? Does it get scraped as frequently as other content on the same domain would?


Best Answer

While building software, we tried to make it as SEO friendly as possible. It's indexed without problems by popular search engines. To get more of it, you need to use Sitemap module in Extras area so .xml is submitted on daily basis, though it works like a charm without it.

In general, all links have valid tokens, with H1 tags in titles, and meta description from page content. Even search and results page is indexed by keywords.

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While building software, we tried to make it as SEO friendly as possible. It's indexed without problems by popular search engines. To get more of it, you need to use Sitemap module in Extras area so .xml is submitted on daily basis, though it works like a charm without it.

In general, all links have valid tokens, with H1 tags in titles, and meta description from page content. Even search and results page is indexed by keywords.


BTW, UseResponse can be installed wherever you want (domain, sub-domain, folder)



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  2. Each time new topic is added and comments, admins and off. representatives are notified, so reaction only depends on your support team with flexible notifications settings to distribute permissions on who is in charge of answering specific categories.

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