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User Profile: Uploading a really big avatar-image causes weird behaviour

Archived Guest 11 years ago

When trying to upload an avatar image with a filesize of +10MB, the fields for username and user email are empty - see attached screenshot.

When trying to upload an image slightly larger than the (default) limit of 2MB, the correct error message is displayed.

Replies (5)


Could you please clarify... Email and Full Name are not empty. Then you try to upload image that is more than 2 mb in size, as you have php restriction and it gives you an error on empty fields (email & Full Name)?



Thanks for the quick responses Stas!



We couldn't reproduce this bug. We have limit in 24 mb and tried to upload 29 mb photo, and it just gave us the error of max size, but fields email and full name are not empty.

If you want, we could take a look at your environment, just send us ftp details to support(at)


Thanks again for looking into this Stas; as of now I consider this to be an edge case issue, but I'll talk with our administrators regarding FTP access.


Take your time... Bug shouldn't be critical if exists, as we hear about it for the 1st time during this year

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