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Do you have a 1.1 Release availability date?

Archived Dan & Jennifer 12 years ago

Also is there a Roadmap for what features are planned



Best Answer

We don't have exact date, but we plan it for the middle of March, maybe + 1 week. We just don't want to give exact date as we want to make sure our software and release in general is not buggy and stable as it's major release with tons of improvements.

Update: 1.1 release is live

Replies (6)


We don't have exact date, but we plan it for the middle of March, maybe + 1 week. We just don't want to give exact date as we want to make sure our software and release in general is not buggy and stable as it's major release with tons of improvements.

Update: 1.1 release is live


that's great, thanks Stas, was just looking for a general idea. Totally understand, believe me we prefer a stable release to begin with.

is there a "roadmap" available with major features and when they're planned for? :-)




We can't give you exact roadmap but here is rough list of big features to be integrated:

1.1 release:

- Auto-Updater

- Single Sign-On

- Responses sorting and "Move to Top" management

- Extended text area and formatting

- Improved performance

1.2 release:

- Surveys module - already completed but in testing now

- API Integration - in progress

- Online Chat - completed, in testing now

This list will be added or modified as we only release stable features, modules when we are sure it brings 100% satisfaction. Minor releases, tweaks or bug fixes are due to be changed from time to time, so there can't be any estimation.


1,1 release is live


Hi Stas! do you have an update on when the trouble ticket module will be available?

also on when 1.2 is "planned" to go live? Thanks!!Dan


Dan & Jennifer wrote:

Hi Stas! do you have an update on when the trouble ticket module will be available?

also on when 1.2 is "planned" to go live? Thanks!!Dan

Hi Dan,

We won't have 1.2 release as we've decided to incorporate more in 2.0 release. Here is more information about Upcoming Pricing Change.

As for trouble ticketing - we'll have Post Privately feature in 2.0 available for any users to post response (topic) privately even if they don't have such prevelidges and only user (author) of the topic + off. representative can see it - so it's somehow ticketing system within community.

There also be available Spoilers within comments and responses where you can privately hide some information to be visible to only off. representatives.

In fact, we already completed it along with Chat, API, so we are working on tons of new features, polishing Surveys and Mobile interface.

After 2.0 release, we'll work on Socializing system with Facebook app and deep twitter integration + we have Knowledge base module and Company Updates.

The more system gets' popular - the more funding we get to improve it and involve more resources

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